Part 1: Training a Walkability Index Machine Learning Model from OpenStreetMap derived data
A Week of Car2Go Locations in Seattle with CARTO Builder
NYC Parks TreesCount! Data Jam 2016: Change over Time Category Winner
Machine Learning Course Paper: Predicting Coreference labels from Spoken Dialogue Tasks with Machine Learning: One-Hot Encoding and Feature Importances using Extremely Randomized Trees
About our paper: Quantifying Distance Overestimation From Global Positioning System in Urban Spaces
First thoughts on ArcGIS Pro
Books on JavaScript, jQuery, HTML and CSS
2016 Goals for GIS, web and myself
Best Music of 2015
Evaluating 2015 Goals
Algorithms for Data Science - HW4 - NP Complete and PuLP
GIS Courses at Columbia University (Spring 2016)
Tutorial - Deploying a Flask application on AWS
Getting Started with AWS (Amazon Web Services) - free bootcamp class at the AWS Loft in NYC
Viewing Your RunKeeper Data in CartoDB
Installing PostGIS (PostgreSQL) on Amazon Web Services (RDS)
PostGIS Geoprocessing with SQL in CartoDB-Buffer
Getting Lat, Lng from Jetblue FlyFi
Thoughts from State of the Map US (#SOTMUS) Post 1 of 2
D3 Mapping with Google Flu Trends Data and Shapefile conversion to TopoJSON/GeoJSON
New York City Collisions Data-IPython Notebook and Plotting in CartoDB
Wall Street Journal Mapping the Bacteria in New York’s Subways Data
Using IPython Notebook with Pandas and exporting to Markdown
Plotting Exploratory Data Analysis and Visualization Class Skills in RStudio
Exploratory Data Analysis and Visualization Course
Updated and Additional 2015 Goals
Presentation: Intro to Processing for Spatial Data Viz
Jekyll blog rollout 2015 Goal unlocked!
Best Music of 2014
2015 Goals for GIS (geospatial) and Web
Welcome to Jekyll!
Open Source GIS Course at Hunter College this January (2015)
Maptime SQL for CartoDB
Mapbox Source Quickstart
Open Source Intersect - Shapely (and an OGR solution)
What I've been up to...
CSV to Shapefile conversion with Pandas, Fiona and Shapely
Converting File Geodatabase (FGDB) to Shapefile or CSV via OSGEO4W with OGR2OGR
Beginning the Columbia University IDSE Data Science Certificate Program
Earlier Blog Posts
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